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-1 in 5 Veterans have PTSD
-Healthcare costs are 3.5x the average for those suffering from PTSD
-Veterans account for 20% of all suicides 

Connect Vets wants to eliminate veteran homelessness, unemployment, and suicides. Complex problems require complex solutions. 

Connect Vets Skills Center - Complete! and operational, check us out on Facebook or on our Skills Center page to book some time to use it.

Transitional Housing - Total Cost = $15,000

We are constructing a fully furnished one bedroom apartment with a full bathroom, kitchen, and living space. We need $15,000 to finish it which will go towards furniture, fixtures, finish carpentry/electric, cabinets, appliances, lighting, and labor.  

Transportation - Total Cost = Depends on vehicle ($200-$2000)

One program we are committed to is ensuring veterans and their families have safe reliable transportation to get to appointments and employment. We are accepting donations of vehicles with titles and giving those vehicles to veteran families that need them. Some mechanical work needed is ok, we will work with veterans to fix the issues teaching them vocational skills. See below for current and finished projects.

Benevolence Fund - Varies

Our Mission is to show God's love to every Vet one need at a time. By giving to this fund you will help do that. We are contacted daily for things such as groceries, tires, gas, childcare, books, certifications, parts, etc. and the money for those things comes from this fund. 

Mentoring programs will connect military families with other veterans that have skills and abilities to help them navigate everyday situations like filling out paperwork, connecting them to services, fixing automotive and appliance issues, and teaching vocational skills. 

Automotive Services are offered free of charge to veterans and their families. Small jobs like oil changes and tire rotations can be completed quickly, larger jobs will take longer based on skilled labor and available parts and tools. We also offer space and tools in the skills center for personal use on individual projects. 

Appliance repair services are available on some major brands. We can repair seals, motors, test electrical parts, and inspect other issues. 

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You can help by donating resources to Connect Vets. We are looking for locations to host events and instructors willing to volunteer their time. We need materials and tools. We need other veterans helping veterans.

finished project: 2002 Mercury mountaineer awd

We are very excited to share with you our first transportation project is finished and went to a veteran family in need, Brandon and Bee.

We are gave it a complete tune-up: spark plugs, coils, oil change, coolant, battery, air filter, differential and transfer case fluid, and a thermostat. Diversified Tire donated two tires, two new front struts, labor and an alignment. 

Car Deets did a complete interior and exterior detail job on it, so fresh and so clean.

If you want to help on this or future projects please contact us. 

Appox. Total cost = $1200 in parts and a whole lot of labor (est. $1200)

Funded so far: $400

For more on this project head to our Facebook or Instagram


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